
Adrienne Brown

I am on a mission to inspire mothers in personal development and motherhood. Inspiring mothers to embrace their natural abilities to build strong families. Teaching the beginner what it means to homeschool as they parent and mold the character of their children.

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You Will Love This Easy Program

Hello, Reader I just wanted to stop by to share this awesome curriculum with you. You and your kids will enjoy these easy-to-follow piano books!!! Hope you let me know if you are thinking about getting them. Love you and Happy Homeschooling, Homeschoolmomof8, Adrienne

Hello Reader, As you know my name is Adrienne Brown, and I am the Homeschool Mom of 8, AKA "The Practicalminded Mama". But you probably already know that, or you wouldn't be receiving this email! Let me start off by saying, "Hello!" I am so honored that you value what I have to say, by joining my email list. Plus, I am super happy to have you join me and thousands of others on this exciting homeschooling journey! If you are not fully acquainted with my homeschooling journey, please let me...

Hey,Reader I hope and pray that all is well! The other day I was asked to explain why I have homeschooled for so long. My reasons are many and I thought that I could express myself best in a video. Then It dawned on me that if one person is curious about our journey, maybe many others are too. So this is why I am sharing that answer with you today, Please watch, like, and leave a comment. My eyes will look out for you and I will respond. Happy Homeschooling & God Bless!

Hey there, Reader I hope and pray that all is well with you and yours. We are 2 months back into the homeschooling journey, and it is pretty busy around my house! I bet it is for you as well. I am stopping by because I created a new post talking about the beginning of our homeschooling journey. It was very out of the ordinary for me, but it changed my life forever. Click the post link down below, and please leave a comment if you can understand the fear I held at the beginning of our...

Are you new to homeschooling? Maybe you are still trying to figure out a routine. Wherever you fall, in this article I give you some essentials to help you keep your sanity as you parent, homeschool, and manage your home. It's a short read but has many powerful tips for the busy mom. Enjoy! Please leave a comment, and tell me what you think. Also, share any tips that you may do in your daily routine. Adrienne Brown The...

Hey, their friend, I hope and pray that you are doing well today and that you enjoyed my message yesterday. Every time I send out an email, my mind is always focused on how I can help your homeschooling journey better. With that, in mind, I want to tell you about 3 books that I wrote. My first book 'Commanded to Homeschool' is just to encourage someone that they can do it. And this week the paperback is on sale for only $3. 47. Please grab your copy, and help me to get it into the hands of...

Hey there Reader Just checking in on you today. After reading yesterday's post, did it make you think about your reasons for homeschooling? Well, I pray that my post inspired you to give it some serious thought. Homeschooling is so serious that I am always encouraging parents to remember their why! However one key to remembering your why is knowing how to motivate yourself during the journey. In this post, I give you a few ways to do just that:...

Hello there Reader I have been talking to you about homeschooling and wanting to figure out how you are doing. There are so many good reasons to homeschool as I talked about in 'Top Benefits of Homeschooling'. Then I shared with you 'Five Fundamental Pillars for Achieving Success in Homeschooling'. In this email, I want to share with you the '7 Reasons Why We Chose to Homeschool'. Please, read my blog post and leave a comment. I pray that it encourages you in your homeschooling journey! p.s....

Hey there Reader Are you sorting through those old books and putting in the new ones? Yeah, me too. I get excited every time around this year because I can't wait to start the new year. But every year I restate for myself the pillars that keep me steadfast in my homeschool. In this post, I am sharing the 5 pillars that have gotten me through 26 years of homeschooling. Respond to this email to...

Do you want the freedom to homeschool with less stress and more control of your life? Well, you will want to listen to the two tips that I share in this short video. It's been almost 27 years since I started homeschooling and these two tips are two of the most important ones that I can give you! Please, listen and enjoy! Read about some of the top benefits of homeschooling here: P.s.- Here is a link to our story...